Tuesday, August 23, 2016

To Africa!

I just have to say, I had no intention of leaving the country this year. Heck, I just stepped into full time ministry in San Francisco a couple months ago and have PLENTY on my plate as it is. But apparently God likes to keep me on my toes and has the most purposeful, beautiful reasoning and timing for the things He leads us into. So here we gooooo!!

THE SCOOP: Over the couple months I started to have this sense I was going to be traveling internationally before the end of the year, but didn't know why or in what capacity. I've always had a heart for the nations and at various times have tried really hard to get to them, to no avail. I've had many dreams about Africa specifically and knew to some extent I'd be going there one day. I've kept this in my back pocket the majority of my life. 

Then a couple a weeks ago, like a flood I started receiving confirming words from strangers and people in my community, agreeing with what the Lord had already been telling me about being sent to the nations. Driving home after receiving a specific word about being sent to Africa, I told the Lord that if Global Awakening, a ministry that I love and have been personally impacted by, had a trip going to Africa before the end of the year I'd be on it (this felt like a long shot as they haven't taken a trip there in awhile). Sure enough, I check the website and the next trip leaving in November is heading where? AFRICA. 

The trip is going to Mozambique and will work alongside Heidi and Rolland Baker's ministry in Pemba for two weeks. What I love about Global Awakening is the way they are committed to bringing hope and healing to the nations through the power of the gospel while also teaching, equipping and empowering the team they bring. These people are dead serious about changing the world for Jesus and are actually doing it. That's my jammmmmmm. 

The deposit for the trip is $500, which I didn't have. "Okay Lord, You want me to go? I'm gunna need $500 just to sign up," I told Him.

Well, He heard. The next week, I was at a conference in Redding. As a group we were practicing hearing God's voice, and I received a word that God is going to double my finances. As an act of agreement, a sweet woman came up, kissed my head, and dropped a $20 in my lap. One by one, strangers came up dropped money, prayed and blessed me. You can imagine how wrecked I was. It was one of the sweetest moments of my life as nearly 50 strangers stood in agreement and sowed into my life. Amidst all of this, the Lord told me I wasn't leaving Redding without $500. I figured I'd just round up and felt so blessed as it was, but He was serious. Throughout the rest of the conference people came up and continued to hand me money. "I'm not sure what you are doing but I feel led to give this to you," they'd say. I drove away from Redding with $502 stuffed in my purse. 

Here's a picture of me, getting wrecked. So much love.

ALL THAT TO SAY, I'm going to Africa. I feel that the Lord wants to teach me more about the Father's heart on this trip and that there are new depths of His love that He wants to reveal to me. I also feel there are divine connections that will be established that the Lord will use not only in my life but also the life of my ministry in San Francisco with LindenTree Outreach. 

I have literally no idea where the rest of the money is going to come from, but I'm pretty freaking excited to find out! I'm holding this with open hands and know that He is SO capable of the impossible and the miraculous and loves to wow His kids. :)

If you feel led to sow into this trip, I am so grateful! And stoked to see what the Lord has in store for you! :) You can do so here: https://secure.squarespace.com/commerce/donate?donatePageId=545fff0fe4b0e58fabd62448

**All donations are tax deductible 
Can't wait to share this adventure with you.

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