Sunday, April 9, 2017

To Zambia!

Hi everyone! I’m so excited to share I’m heading back to Africa in May, this time to Zambia with my dear friend Pauline.  I can’t tell you how excited I am for this trip! I know the Lord will do amazing things! We will be traveling between Lusaka and Livingstone, ministering and sharing the love of Jesus in a variety of churches in those regions. One pastor has specifically asked that we teach on intimacy with God, as this is unfortunately a somewhat unknown concept. I can’t imagine living a life without intimacy with Jesus, and it absolutely breaks my heart that there are people who have no idea what that is like. We are expecting it to be a very powerful trip of equipping and blessing people to walk in the knowledge of their new identity in Christ through intimacy with Him, Jesus our Beloved. That’s everything. 

We will also be featured on Christian voice, Revelation TV and ZNBC, which is the National television station (literally goes out to all of Africa and beyond). It will be a chance for us to share about our mission, time there and what God is doing/ wants to release over that part of the world. 

As I’ve been praying into this trip, the Lord has being telling me, “Don’t hold back. This is not the time to hold back. JUST GO FOR IT.” I think each one of us has more within us than we realize. I heard someone say recently, “when push comes to shove, when we are backed up in a corner, within the heart of every true Christian will rise up the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.” Wow. We are at a point in history where we can’t afford to be timid or live in fear. We can’t afford to not step out for Christ. The world is watching and the Lord wants to turn each of us into the fullness of what He intended us to be, for HIS glory. I don't know about you, but I want the fullness!!! So on this trip I plan to step out further than I have before, follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and let God move through me however He pleases. I can’t wait to share with you all the testimonies of God's amazing faithfulness along the way!

If the Lord leads you to support for this trip, I am humbled and so so honored. The totally cost of the trip is $2,000, which I will need to raise by May 26th. I've attached the link to do so through my church here in Vacaville that is sending us:
GIVE ONLINE HERE- The Mission Church
**you can select “Special Offering” and put “Elise Albert, Zambia” in the comments section** 

I love you all!! 
