Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Big Blue House

I live two blocks from this big blue house, and every day I walk past it I am reminded of how good the Lord is...

You see, I used to live in that house. For a period of time during college 20 students moved in to experience the city and try out the real working world. 

It was the worst. Ask anyone in the house and they will all tell you this was a baaddddd semester for me. The program was wonderful, my internship was wonderful, the people were wonderful. It was the city I hated. It had such a dark, lonely, isolating feel to it that I just couldn't handle. I was depressed and lost my sense of purpose and worth. When my parents finally came to pick me up, I told them to drive as fast as they could away from this place and if they ever had any desire to return to San Francisco...well they could just forget it because NONE of us were ever going back. 

Where am I now? Two blocks away. Same neighborhood. Same city. The exact SPOT I promised to never return to.

...and there is no where I'd rather be! The city still feels dark, isolating and lonely at times, but the Lord has radically changed me for the purpose of His renewing work in San Francisco. I LOVE this city! He has replaced the purposelessness I once felt here with incredible purpose and passion--all I want to do is share the wellspring of Life He has given me with everyone I meet!  

I heard someone say once,  "those who He calls He equips." I'm literally dumbfounded at all the ways He has equipped me to be here. He has provided EVERYTHING (even changed my heart to want to be here!) and I have a million testimonies of His faithfulness to carry as promises because of it. What a good God!

p.s. An oldie but goodie that has been my anthem this week: Let Heaven Shout

*If you are interested in supporting my work with Linden Tree Outreach, THANK YOU! You can donate one time gifts at Linden Tree GIVE or email lindentreeoutreach@gmail.com for a recurring payment form.  LindenTree Outreach is a recognized 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization in the state of California. Donors will receive a mailed receipt for tax purposes. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016


In Redding this weekend for our Linden Tree team meeting! Love an excuse to get out of the city for a couple days and clear my mind. 

Our team meetings usually consist of LOTS of tea (big tea fans of over here), lots of strategizing and LOTS of praying. Since we are still in the process of developing our team and getting ready to launch some new developments within our ministry, a lot is still unclear. BUT it has been so fun to watch the Lord give us just enough knowledge for each season that we have gone through and seamlessly prepare us for the next! His hand is so clearly on this ministry and there is no where I'd rather be! 


Thursday, April 21, 2016


I am almost ONE month away from kissing my nannying days goodbye and jumping full time into Linden Tree Outreach!!!

To say I'm excited would be an understatement. 

I simply CANNOT WAIT to step more fully into what the Lord is doing through this ministry in San Francisco! 

If you would like to hear more about it, I would love to chat with you and tell you just how FREAKING EXCITED I am to see God heal and restore people and how you can be a part of it! It has been one of the greatest blessings in my life to date, and I know it will bless you too!

Until then, here is a pretty epic song for your Thursday afternoon: 

p.s. Sorry not sorry for so many CAPS. The excitement level over here is through the roof.

*If you are interested in supporting my work with Linden Tree Outreach, THANK YOU! You can donate one time gifts at Linden Tree GIVE or email lindentreeoutreach@gmail.com for a recurring payment form.  LindenTree Outreach is a recognized 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization in the state of California. Donors will receive a mailed receipt for tax purposes. 

Monday, April 18, 2016

HeartSync and Wholeness

We recently worked with a woman named Bri (who gave me permission to share this story:)),  who had been cut off from feeling emotions because of childhood wounding. From early on, she discovered that if she shut off emotion and prevented it from having a voice, it would keep pain from being experienced. When she felt an emotion coming up due to heartbreak, pain, etc, she would shove it back down and become numb to the presenting situation. When she began receiving Heart Sync prayer, the Lord revealed that this began when her parents had gotten divorced and brought to light a decision she had made as a child to not feel in order to protect herself from more pain(something she was unaware of until He revealed it consciously). The pain was beyond her capacity to bear at the time, so a part of her had come up with a solution to keep her safe, the only way she knew how— to completely shut off to all emotion forever. But by cutting this off, she was also prevented from experiencing joy and love. But now, God was offering her protection in Himself, healing for the part of her that was wounded in the divorce, and an invitation for her to be able to fully feel again under the protection and safety of the person of Jesus. Since then, Bri is able to fully access and use her emotion in a way that is healthy. She began to experience emotions again, and not just for herself but also for others. As a missionary, she has found her heart has become tender and compassionate toward those she serves, “I feel more pain, but it feels so worth it because I am able to enter into those places of pain with people and really sympathize, where as before, my heart felt calloused. This is compassion!” 

I remember the first day I sat in a training for the HeartSync approach- it felt like the Holy Spirit ran into my inner world and called every part of me to attention, even the parts I didn't realize existed or had worked endlessly to shove down, and said,

"Hey. I see you. And I'm coming to heal and love every part of your heart that hurts. You were made to be whole and to know the love of God in the deepest parts of your heart."

I've come to believe that we are desperately in need of a Doctor for our hearts. Yes, even us Christians who love the Lord and have given our lives to Him. There are always new depths of intimacy and healing with the Lord--it is who He is! We have all experienced our fair share of pain and suffering, and have battle wounds and scars hidden deep within to prove it. We've come up with our own ways of self protection to guard against more pain. 

But the most glorious of news, because of the price Jesus paid for us on the cross, those wounds and scars do not have to stay buried deep within us. There is a Healer who wants nothing more than to heal and restore that which was lost! 

The HeartSync approach, the primary heart healing method we use at Linden Tree Outreach, was developed by a man named Father Andrew Miller and it focuses on synchronizing broken and divided hearts first to God and then to each other. With my counseling background, I have often wondered if there is a connection between psychology and Christ-centered inner healing, as I see the value and purpose in both. Wonderfully, there is a substantial amount of brain science correlations that not only support Father Miller's findings but fuel it (more on this at a later point). 

So how this works: each of us have Core Parts.  Father Andrew has given names to them, to help identify and distinguish these parts. These consist of:

- the Function Part helps us function daily (brush our teeth, write, drive, etc.) and believes that knowing certain information about one’s history is incompatible with survival and/or function

-the Emotion Part is most closely connected to the pain, depression and trauma we have experienced
- the Guardian Part that believes the Emotion and Function parts must be kept apart or the Function will be too overwhelmed to do daily functioning, so is devoted to keep them seperated. 

These Core Parts are universal and part of our creative design, but they were not designed to live in opposition, but instead work together as a team. And they were also created to all be in relationship with Jesus. But because of the fall, we have all experienced varying degrees of trauma and pain which have created desynchronization between our parts and the Lord (meaning they are no longer working in unity), and we are all in need of God to bring restoration to each area of our heart and restore them to their design and function. He does this healing places of hurt and trauma and correcting incorrect beliefs about God and ourselves. 

I don't know about you, but I am desperately in need of this kind of healing. Our world is full of people who are living in disconnection from God and parts of themselves--just trying to get by--not realizing there is so much freedom and restoration available for them. 

*If you are interested in supporting my work with Linden Tree Outreach, THANK YOU! You can donate one time gifts at Linden Tree GIVE or email lindentreeoutreach@gmail.com for a recurring payment form.  LindenTree Outreach is a recognized 501-C3 Non-Profit Organization in the state of California. Donors will receive a mailed receipt for tax purposes.